Alexandra Sgier

Founder of Fit-Click AB

- Cert. Canine Physiotherapist
- Cert. Equine Osteopath
- Cert. Kinesiologist
- Cert. Elite Fear Free Professional
- Cert. Canine Fitness Trainer

Cert. R+ Expert*

Download: CV Alexandra Sgier

My motto:

Bringing out the best of each individual's physical and mental abilities

“Fun and detailed training are the invisible building blocks for achieving the optimal rehabilitation or fitness goal. ”

I love animals, so it was kind of a natural process for me to turn my hobby into my work.

2012 I finished my education, to become a dog physiotherapist, in Switzerland. And since 2013 I am self-employed and running my own animal practice for behaviour, fitness and rehabilitation.

2019 we made a big decision and decided to move from Switzerland to Sweden. We simply wanted to have more snow and more space to enjoy our hobby and give our animals more freedom.

After 10 years of working in my own practise as well as working in a Veterinary clinic, I have decided that it is time for a change. 

I want to reach and educate more people, and after being part of several online schooling programs I kind of fell in love with this concept. 

My focus will remain on fitness training for dogs,  but I have so many more ideas and projects bubbling under the surface, so you will also find courses that will help you create a functional and fun environment for living together with your dog.

Form follows Function 
Improved Function follows Improved Form